How Common are Lombard Street Accidents?

Authored by:

Attorney William Green from Delfino Green & Green Law


William Green

Mr. Green is always focused on the primary goal of getting the maximum possible recovery for the firm’s clients, he also believes that the work the firm does holding government entities and corporations liable betters society by making streets safer, products much less dangerous and generally holding the powerful accountable when they cause harm.

Reviewed by:

Sharon Delfino Green has worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies, helping with complex and valuable legal work. For over the past 10 years, Sharon has helped prosecute countless insurance bad faith cases and personal injury cases. She is a skilled San Francisco injury lawyer and a proud member of both the Marin County Bar Association and the California State Bar.


Lombard Street is Safer Than You Think

As one of San Francisco’s most popular tourist attractions, Lombard Street – also known as the “Crookedest Street in the World” – sees over 2 million visitors each year. With this design and the obvious steepness of the road comes many questions of how safe it truly is.

Although the street was reinforced with switchbacks and speed limits to be safer for pedestrians and motorists alike, this area has seen several accidents since its creation. However, most of these are often pedestrian accidents or inexperienced motorists hitting light poles and fire hydrants.

While the thought of being involved in a pedestrian accident in this area can be a scary thought for any tourist, there is actually not enough statistical evidence to suggest that this area is unsafe for pedestrians or motorists. However, just because it is relatively safe does not mean that it doesn’t come with its fair share of frustrations from local agencies and residents.

A Crooked Controversy

This street has become a point of contention for San Francisco officials as increased tourism has led to crowd control and traffic issues. Because of this, the Transportation Authority conducted a study that recommended ways to reduce this congestion by implementing a paid reservation or tollway system. State lawmakers introduced this as a bill in early 2019.

After a veto from Governor Gavin Newsom prohibited this from being implemented, the Transportation Authority began working on a new bill with local and state lawmakers for a reservation system that wouldn’t require payment. This is expected to be introduced in legislative sessions later this year.

San Francisco tourists can still enjoy Lombard Street without restrictions for the time being, but you should be aware of the potential hazards that come with it. If you find yourself injured in a pedestrian accident while taking photos or enjoying the scenery, you can take legal action.

As long-time Bay Area residents, Delfino Green & Green has seen its fair share of tourist accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured by another’s negligence on Lombard Street, call 415-442-4646 to speak with one of our attorneys. We will work with you to obtain the best results for your case.

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